Green Light Group has pledged $100,000 towards the Medical Imaging Centre Campaign

Having operated in Richmond for over 25 years, Green Light Group has pledged a $100,000 commitment toward Richmond Hospital Foundation’s Medical Imaging Centre Campaign over the next 5 years.

“I’m grateful for the successes we have achieved and feel that this is the opportune time to give back to the community—the community where I work and live,” says James Xu, President of Green Light Group.

A Richmond-based logistics company, Green Light Group recognizes the significant role local businesses can play in supporting the community’s health care needs. Their pledge donation was inspired by another local business owner’s generous gift, Dan On.

“We decided Green Light Group would join Dan, and together, through our contributions, help ensure better access to quality health care for our employees, families, friends and the community,” says Geoff Millman, CEO of Green Light Group.

 “We hope our employees will feel proud and inspired to be a part of this meaningful donation,” says Tina Chun, COO, Green Light Group. “And if we can help encourage other businesses to do the same and make a donation towards health care in Richmond, we would be more than pleased.”

Thank you, Green Light Group, for your generosity.

To learn about how you can support Richmond Hospital Foundation, visit

James Xu (President, 5th on the right, second row), Geoff Millman (CEO, 6th on the right, second row), Tina Chun (COO, 4th on the right, second row) and Gloria Wong (Leadership Giving Associate Director, 3rd on the right, second row)

Richmond Hospital Foundation

Over the past 37 years, Richmond Hospital Foundation has raised approximately $180 million to help make possible the purchase of important medical equipment and the latest technologies, build infrastructure, enable new care initiatives, and conduct research and education programs. Our goal is to inspire joyful giving within our community to build a better and healthier future for Richmond.


YeeTak Lai
Associate Director, Marketing & Communications
[email protected]